The content of this course has been developed based on the document “Allergen management guidelines for food manufacturers” – a collaborative effort between Food Allergy Canada, Université Laval and a broad representation of Canadian food manufacturers, as part of a project funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The purpose of this project is to provide food manufacturers with recommendations on food allergen management, including how to develop and Allergen Control Plan and how and when to use Precautionary Allergen Labelling. The recommendations provided in this course apply to prepackaged food processing operations, of all manufacturing sectors and business sizes, that manage any type of food allergens. They do not apply to the manufacturing of finished products with allergen-free claims. Food manufacturers are expected to adapt these recommendations to their own operations and to identify any additional risks, if applicable.
The course is divided in 10 modules, each containing approximately 15 minutes of narrated content. All the material covered in the modules can be found in the Guidelines document, and course participants should refer to this resource for further information. At the end of each module, a short quiz (5-10 multiple choice questions) is provided as a self-evaluation tool.
The course is directed to food manufacturers, who are encouraged to incorporate it into their allergen management training resources. Other audiences (auditors, regulators, scientists, students) interested in learning about allergen management in food manufacturing operations are also welcomed to follow the course.
Legal disclaimer
This training course is intended as a general source of information for food processing and manufacturing companies in developing or reviewing their food safety plans with respect to allergen management, communication and labelling and is not intended for consumer use. The information in this training course is not legal, medical or other professional advice. You must seek your own professional advice if you intend to use the information provided in this , including to create, review or revise your allergen control plans.
While measures have been taken with respect to the accuracy of the information, the accuracy of the information presented is not guaranteed, and Food Allergy Canada and Université Laval will not be responsible in any manner for direct, indirect or special damages, loss, injury or death arising out of the use of this information in this document, whether in whole or in part.
Mention of third parties or sources of information, such as websites, are provided for information purposes only and are not an endorsement of any kind. While this training course contains references to laws and regulations, it is not intended to provide legal advice, establish appropriate policies or procedures or standards of reasonable behaviour. Laws, regulations, and other requirements may vary over time and greatly by city, municipality and province. Food Allergy Canada and Université Laval may,yet do not undertake, to update the information contained in the training course, whether in whole or in part.