Consumers' trust in food control system has been shaken down by multiple food fraud events in the last decade. Initiatives have been taken to restore…
A first publication by Émilie Manny presenting her thesis results. She looked at the presence of allergens (egg and milk) in products available in…
The International Food Safety Training Laboratory (IFSTL) hosted by the Food Risk Analysis and Regulatory Excellence Platform (PARERA) of Université…
The article is about the modernization of the food import control system in Egypt.
The PARERA platform is named in the Modern Diplomacy newspaper for its engagement in the webinar on the management of COVID19 by regulators around the…
Enregistrement de la session Webinar COVID-19 et Sécurité sanitaire des aliments organisée par le secrétariat de INFOSAN - Communauté francophone
Webinar in English
IUFoST Scientific Roundtable on Supporting the Resilience of the Food Production Sector and Limiting Food Supply Disruption During…
Two-hour webinar on measures to implement in agrifood in COVID time
The international journal Trends in Food Science and technology has published a paper prepared by the PARERA team in collaboration with Dr. Karen…
A new publication by Dr. Sébastien La Vieille from the PARERA platform