A study conducted by Audrey Dunn Galvin (United Kingdom) looked at perceptions, trust and consumer demand regarding "may contain" labeling.
Sesame is identified on packaging in Canada, Europe, Israel and Australia, but the United States has not yet put this allergen in its list of priority…
The PARERA platform in close collaboration with the "centre declic" goes to Dolbeau Mistassini for the "festival du bleuet" (blueberry) to talk about…
The University of Guelph has developed a sampling kit so that consumers can know the exact identity of what makes up their food products. This is a…
In collaboration with the CIRANO (Montreal), the PARERA platform was able to better understand and assess the perceptions and knowledge of Canadian…
Federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Ms. Bibeau at McEwan University: Canada tackles Food Fraud and provides funding for Food Inspection…
Read the article: Investing in Food Safety for Developing Countries: Opportunities and Challenges in Applying Whole-Genome Sequencing for Food Safety…
Operation OPSON VIII seized more than €100 million worth of potentially dangerous food and drinks, coordinated by Europol’s Intellectual Property…
"Investments in Food Safety Risk Assessment and Risk Analysis as a Requirement for Robust Food Control Systems: Calling for Regional Centers of…